I know it isn’t officially over, but for me, Labor Day marks the end of summer. I’m even starting to see subtle signs of autumn’s approach. Random leaves are beginning to change color and the evenings are getting both longer and colder. Last night it dropped down to 55F in Pittsburgh, and I think that’s the coldest it’s been in a few months. Thankfully, the changing weather hasn’t completely forced me back inside yet. I still am spending as much time as I can relaxing outside in the last of the summer sun. One of my favorite places to spend these evenings is on a patio, preferably on a comfy outdoor sofa. The Charming Bench Company has some great conversation sets for your patio. There is nothing better than sitting down together and talking for as long as the light lasts.
In these last days of summer, I find myself more desperate to spend time outside with those who are important to me. Just last week, I invited some of my friends over and we sat outside, the golden light of the late sun catching in our hair, as we shared a drink around my new patio table. I can’t tell you what we talk about, but the conversations are always filled with laughter and perhaps just a little too much wine!
This summer was good to me. Not only did I get to go to NYC for the Romance Writers of America National Conference (I’m the tall one.., try to imagine 2000 romance authors running loose in Times Square and you’ll get the idea), but I also headed down to the great state of Texas for my nephew’s wedding!
Houston was lovely, but I never realized it was so humid down there! Thank god for Air Conditioning (although the locals seemed quite used to the sweltering heat). Maybe one day, I will also become more used to the heat of Texas. Maybe then, I could move further south and enjoy the heat of summer all year round. I would still need an Air conditioning unit installed in my own house though, from somewhere like I Need The Plumber (click here now), especially in the hottest months. For now, though, I am content to spend as much time as I can in the summer sun here before I welcome the colors of fall.
I have some good news coming next week, so if you’re a newsletter subscriber, stay tuned. You’ll hear about it shortly!
In the meantime, enjoy these last stolen days of summer.